Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Quote from John Piper

 "I think we should spend most of our creative energies on constructing in our minds and in our hearts and in our families great and beautiful and glorious alternative visions of reality than the ones we are being offered by the world. If we give most of our time to bemoaning and criticizing the world for acting like the world, our vision of God and his glorious future for his people will become smaller and smaller, and that could be a greater tragedy than the one we are living in."

(Taken from askpastorjohn)

[This reminds me of something my lovely friend Kylie told me the other day from a talk she'd heard. The speaker was saying that too often as believers we're on the defensive. When we look around us we are rightly heartbroken at all the moral decay. But it can just turn into a great big moan and pity party.
We are NOT on the defensive. Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. Hell is on the defensive. Hell and the powers of darkness are desperately trying to push back the light. Imagine them behind those gates pushing at them to stay shut, not wanting the light to penetrate. We need to get on with being the light of the world which is what Jesus told us we are.]

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