Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter: He is Risen!

It was a great start to Easter Sunday to read  the chapter on the resurrection in Tim Keller's book, King's Cross. Here's an extract:

Does the resurrection mean anything for your life now? Oh my, the extent that the future is real it will change everything about how you live in the present. For example, why is it so hard to face suffering? Why is it so hard to face disability and disease? Why is it so hard to do the right thing if you know it's going to cost you money, reputation, maybe even your life? Why is it so hard to face your own death or the death of loved ones? It's so hard because we think this broken world is the only world we're ever going to have. It's easy to feel as if this money is the only wealth we'll ever have, as if this body is the only body we'll ever have. But if Jesus is risen, then your future is so much more beautiful, and so much more certain than that.....

...Only the resurrection promises us not just new minds and hearts, but also new bodies. They are going to be more indissoluble, more perfect, more beautiful. ...If you can't dance and you long to dance, in the resurrection you'll dance perfectly. If you're lonely, in the resurrection you'll have perfect love. If you're empty, in the resurrection you will be fully satisfied. Ordinary life is what's going to be redeemed...God loves this world so much that he gave his only Son so we could be redeemed and made perfect. And that's what is in store for us.

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