Friday, May 12, 2017


We've now got 7 chickens! They're a great source of excitement for ours and the neighbour children: 
(This chick isn't ours- we came across some hens and chicks in the neighbourhood:)

I got to accompany a friend to hospital to have her baby. It's such a huge privilege and it's one of the things I love doing the most (I've done it a few times now). But I find it a really hard thing to do- the way women are treated here makes my blood boil and makes me extremely grateful for the kind doctors and nurses and midwives I have come across when having babies myself: 

Enjoying greeting the new baby at his home

When I was handed him at just a couple of minutes old 
We visited a Syrian refugee family in an apartment complex full of refugees. I loved it there. It was teeming with people and children. We explored behind their home and found a tiny frog and were found by a family who wanted us to come over for dinner.

Home schooling has its challenges, not least when it's constantly being interrupted by knocks at the gate. This could be anyone from children bringing us back our escapee rabbit to beggars to the knife sharpener to neighbours bringing over food or asking for help with homework to the electricity and water man with the monthly bills!
On this particular morning we had a cute Syrian boy join us who was into EVERYTHING!

.......but with such a cute smile how could I get cross with him?

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