Monday, April 3, 2017

Heart Idols

Lauren Chandler in Steadfast Love:

With ferocity, God goes after our hearts by crushing our idols and hedging up our way to them. He draws us into a desert to lay our false anchors to waste for our good and His glory.

God loves His people too much to let them continue on in their idolatry. He will go to extremes to free them. In Hosea, He drew them into the wilderness so they would exchange their transactional notion of worship for the relational and forsake their adulterous affair with idols and be found faithful to their Husband.

Perhaps you can identify with me. Maybe there’s a part of you that feels neglected by the Lord. If He would just come through with this one thing, you’d know He loves you. What if receiving that one thing would tighten your grip on the idol instead of stirring your heart toward the Lord ? I don’t ask this in a vacuum. I know what it’s like to have God say, “No”— to have Him remove an idol in my heart. I also know the freedom that comes from finding all I ever need in Him.

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