Friday, April 21, 2017


Since the fundamental truth about God is being held down and ignored (Romans 1.21), life cannot be lived in a consistent way. Take morality, for instance. If there is no God who has the right to say what is right and wrong, how are we to find moral absolutes? It is very arrogant to say: This is wrong because I say it is. But no one in the end wants to say: This is wrong because society says it is. After all, most of American (and European) society thought slavery wasn’t wrong 300 years ago. If morality is defined by majority, slavery was not wrong back then! If there is no God, there is nowhere to locate the authority to give a moral absolute. But no one lives as though there is no right and wrong (they may say they do, but they cry for justice when they or a loved one is “wronged”).

(Tim Keller, Romans For You)

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