Friday, March 31, 2017


We sometimes just feel the need to get away and retreat into the mountains. This is what we're doing now and it has been lovely. We've brought our bikes and even I'm cycling (something I'd never do in our city but I can just about get away with it here.) It's the first time we've ever gone on a family bike ride together! It has meant we've stopped and talked to a lot more people than we normally would if we were travelling by car. It's not ideal for the 'getting away' part, but hopefully we can come back another time and follow up with some of these contacts we've made. I love how we've been invited into so many homes in the past couple of days and even to go on picnics. It really is a very hospitable culture here.

The blossom is glorious, with a very strong smell of honey.

R's blossom artwork
Building dams

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