Sunday, October 23, 2016


To this you were called,
because Christ suffered for you,
leaving you an example,
that you should follow in his steps...
...When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate;
when he suffered, he made no threats. 
Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.
1 Peter 2.21,23

Edmund Clowney (1 Peter, BST) comments:

To this you were called- to what? Suffering, unjust abuse, patient endurance when beaten for doing what is right. Peter has described our heavenly calling; he does not conceal our earthly calling...All Christians are called to suffer with Christ before they are glorified with him. Leighton comments on the readiness of Christians to claim the peace of Christ, while expecting no tribulation in the world.

Peter does not ask us to view suffering as inevitable in the world under the curse. He does not ask for stoic resignation. A life of suffering is our calling, not our fate. It is our calling just because we are God's people. It is our calling because it was Christ's calling. He calls his disciples to follow him...

Our example in suffering is one who was totally innocent and free from sin (2.22). He suffered, not for his own sake, but for the sake of God's purpose, and for the salvation of others. As we follow him, we suffer for his sake, and for the sake of winning others to his saving gospel (3.1-2; 4.13-16).

[On another note, I find these verses useful in parenting- When they hurled insults at him, he did not retaliate. Jesus' example is a powerful one to share with our children who so quickly retaliate when insulted by one of their siblings. Our house would be a much more peaceable one if we entrusted ourselves to the just Judge and said no to retaliation and threats.]

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