Thursday, August 18, 2016

Plane Truths

It was amazing how, on the plane back to London and from London back to here, the Lord showed me some verses which I felt were a gift from him specifically for that time.

On the journey to London I read Psalm 57. Verse 7 says,

My heart, O God, is steadfast,
my heart is steadfast.
I will sing and make music.

I wrote this in my journal about this verse:

"My prayer is that my heart would remain steadfast as I go to the UK. Not be dazzled and distracted by things there, but to love the Lord with a passion, keep on with quiet times, telling people the good news. Not to have my heart wavered by what we miss from England eg activities for the children, church, family, 'nice' things.
I don't want a stationery steadfast love but one which causes my heart to sing and make music! May I flourish and grow and praise this summer." [I find it's so easy to become a flabby, lukewarm believer when we're back.]

Then on the way back here I read Zechariah 4 and these two verses particularly stood out to me and I want to take them on board as we get back into life here:

"Not by might nor by power,
but by my Spirit,"
says the LORD Almighty.
Verse 6

Who dares despise the day of small things?
Verse 10

The first verse is self-explanatory- I need God's Spirit to help me as I go back into life here.

The second- I do find myself despising the day of small things. The work here is small, unimpressive, we see things going backwards rather than forwards so much of the time. It's a slog. Language study sees small, slow results. It's easy to want to give up. But I feel the Lord telling me not to despise these things- I need to live by faith, not be sight and to keep going, not give up, but to be steadfast.

I love the way the Lord knows exactly what we need and gives it to us when we need it! I needed these verses just at those times!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this! I'm on holiday and can't sleep. I was prompted to think of your blog and think I needed to read this tonight!
