Monday, July 4, 2016

Joyful Holiness

And a highway will be there;
it will be called the Way of Holiness;
it will be for those who walk on that Way.......
....only the redeemed will walk there,
10 and those the LORD rescued will return.
They will enter Z with singing;
everlasting joy will crown their heads.
Gladness and joy will overtake them,
and sorrow and singing will flee away.
Isaiah 35.8-10

Barry Webb (BST) comments:
"The Way of Holiness is the way to God himself. 
It is not the golden streets or the pearly gates that make heaven what it is, but the presence of God. To be in heaven is to be with God forever, in totally joyous, unspoiled fellowship.
What a glorious picture of holiness chapter 35 gives us. The Way of Holiness is the way of singing, joy and gladness (v10). No drabness here! The pursuit of holiness is the pursuit of God himself, and the face that is set towards God will open to joy and gladness like a flower opening to the sun."

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