Friday, April 8, 2016


Here's a selection of quotations from various people which I've read/ heard recently:

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield on mercy ministry:

You can help, but only Jesus can heal.

on the decision she and her husband made in their life of helping others:

We are not inconvenienced by inconvenience!

on the dangers of over protecting and sheltering our children:

Sin, especially sexual sin, has a sneaky way of triumphing in an environment of secrecy and shame.

(I'd really recommend Rosaria's book, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert)

George Herbert:

Prayer is the church's banquet.


A single day in hell will be far worse than a lifetime carrying our cross.

C.J. Mahaney:

Humility is honestly assessing oneself in the light of God's holiness and our sinfulness.


Humility isn't thinking less of ourselves, but thinking of ourselves less.

Martin Luther:

The Devil hates Christians singing.

'Roy' quoted by Christopher Ash:

There's always more we can do in ministry, but God is not asking, "Can you do more?" He is asking, "Do you love me?" Some of those extras are not always as vital as we think them to be.

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